Back to school routine

Back to school routine

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By Babysits
4 min read

After a long summer spent at home and on vacation with the family, every child's biggest fear has come: the beginning of school! This time of year is often a hectic time for parents. But if you start with good habits, it may not be so bad!

It is important to teach children that what may seem to be a bad situation can be made better if these small steps are followed.
So how can we be better prepared to return to school. Here are some tips to help you deal with your back to school routine:

back to school

1. Buy all the items you need

For your backpack you will need a pencil case, a diary, notebooks and school books.
A good idea to stay organised is to colour code your notebooks, therefore you can associate different subjects with different colours.

PS: with regards to primary school children, use labels on all items with the child's first name, surname and class this makes it easier to find them again!

Coloring pencils

2. Prepare everything in advance

It is a good idea to be well prepared in terms of having your backpack ready and school clothes ready for the next day. Following this you could arrange the wardrobe so that everything is in order and ready for the week ahead.

kids backpack

3. The importance of breakfast

Prepare a good breakfast in the morning that provides the energy needed to get through the day. Do not forget a snack, a mid-morning snack is key and should be part of the list of things to put in your backpack.


4. Get them to bed early

During the summer, they are not used to going to school, but it is beneficial for them to get used to going to bed early to cope with school time. In this regard it could help practice some sport or try reading together which will help your children to tire easily in the evening.

bedtime story

5. Wake up early

In addition to getting them used to going to bed early, you might even get them used to waking up early during the weekend. Obviously they deserve to sleep a little more, but try to wake them up no later than 9am, motivate them with a whole day ahead to play and go out and have fun with their friends.

waking up early

6. Homework time

The teachers could immediately start bombarding the children with homework. Nothing to fear! Decide right away how many hours to dedicate to homework. If you don't have time, you can always call a babysitter who comes to your aid.


Thanks to these small tricks the school will be faced with happier parents and students! The important thing is to make this routine enjoyable without forgetting to reward your children by leaving them some space to rest. In the case of back to school being in the form of online classes, you can also check out our home-based learning guide!

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