Discover highly recommended babysitters
The Babysits Supersitter program celebrates the community's top-rated and most active sitters.
How to become a supersitter? / Why hire a supersitter?
Supersitters have proven themselves by providing excellent service within the Babysits community. Because of this, we reward them with increased visibility within the search rankings as well as a supersitter badge! This way, these caregivers stand out and parents can easily find them in the search results or by filtering for these supersitters. It's our way of saying thank you and showing our appreciation for these sitters.
The criteria for being a supersitter is as follows:
4.9+ overall rating
Supersitters have a 4.9 or higher average rating based on reviews from Babysits parents. These parents have had excellent care experiences with supersitters.
100% Response rate
These friendly supersitters respond to 100% of received messages from parents. Parents can have the ease of mind that their messages will receive a response.
Response time
Supersitters are active members and respond to 90% of new messages within 24 hours. In this way, parents can expect a quick response from these supersitters.
Government ID
Supersitters successfully provided a government ID.
To ensure parents feel confident hiring a reliable and experienced carer, supersitters are expected to maintain Supersitter-level standards of care:
- Average rating of 4.9 or higher
- Response rate above 90% of the messages
- Response time within 24 hours
- Be active on the Babysits platform
Every month, we check if supersitters have met the above requirements. If they do, they’ll maintain their Supersitter status.